Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Ok, so this blog has been happy and cheerful...until today. How many mothers can relate to the sound of a boiling tea-kettle emanating from their usually happy child while they sit in time out? Houston, we have a gallon-sized issue coming from a pint-sized little girl!

I am always amazed at how early selfishness is seen protruding it's ugly head into the human gene pool. You see children in grocery stores shouting and throwing a fit at their mother for some little piece of candy. My child?? Never. Our issues only happen at home when wills cross each other.

I've learned a tremendous amount in the few short years I've been entrusted with my daughter. I've learned about myself and how I relate to God, most of all. I've learned how selfish I am. I've learned that God is amazing, incredible, ______ (you fill in the blank with your favorite positive adjective). He loves me through all of the fits that I throw over silly things. He patiently guides me and helps me to grow through those experiences when He has to discipline me.

Thank you, God! Thank you for character building trials that only help me to blossom.

1 comment:

  1. It is humbling to have a child. I realize how little patience I have and how much I need to be loving. Kids can be very stressful. It is character building.
